Dana Milbank gleefully, smirkingly, dances on the crushed balls of Progressive's hope:
It was bound to happen eventually. Obama had become to his youthful
supporters a vessel for all of their liberal hopes. They saw him as a
transformational figure who would end war, save the Earth from global
warming, restore the economy -- and still be home for dinner. They
lashed out at anybody who dared to suggest that Obama was just another
politician, subject to calculation, expediency and vanity like all the
You'd think his supporters might applaud this sort of thoughtful,
methodical leadership as a repudiation of the Bush style of government
by political theory. Instead, they're using words such as "O'Bomber" to
describe the president. MoveOn.org launched a petition drive against the policy. Code Pink, the group that heckled Bush officials for years, heckled Obama advisers
on Capitol Hill last week. The liberal Web publisher Arianna Huffington
told Charlie Rose that the policy "puts into question his whole
This is what happens when true believers mistake a mortal for a messiah.
- UPDATE! Poll-daddy sucks, yo. For the curiosity of the half-dozens that voted before I erased the script, asswipe, unsurprisingly, won unanimously.
Peter Baker, on the other hand, wants to be to Obama what Bernstein was for Bush:
On the afternoon he held the eighth meeting of his Afghanistan review, President Obama arrived in the White House Situation Room ruminating about war. He had come from Arlington National Cemetery, where he had wandered among the chalky white tombstones of those who had fallen in the rugged mountains of Central Asia....
How much their sacrifice weighed on him that Veterans Day last month, he did not say. But his advisers say he was haunted by the
human toll as he wrestled with what to do about the eight-year-old war.
Just a month earlier, he had mentioned to them his visits to wounded
soldiers at the Army hospital in Washington. “I don’t want to be going
to Walter Reed for another eight years,” he said then.
When the history of the Obama presidency is written, that day with the chart may prove to be a turning point, the moment a young commander in chief set in motion a high-stakes gamble to turn around a losing war. By moving the bell curve to the left, Mr. Obama decided to send 30,000 troops mostly in the next six months and then begin pulling them out a year after that, betting that a quick jolt of extra forces could knock the enemy back on its heels enough for the Afghans to take over the fight.
The three month review that led to the escalate-then exit strategy is a case-study in decision making in the Obama White House - intense, methodical, rigorous, earnest and at times deeply frustrating for nearly all involved. It was a virtual seminar on Afghanistan and Pakistan, led by a president described by one participant as something "between a college professor and a gentle cross-examiner."
Mr. Obama devoted so much time to the Afghan issue — nearly 11 hours on the day after Thanksgiving alone — that he joked, “I’ve got more deeply in the weeds than a president should, and now you guys need to solve this.” He invited competing voices to debate in front of him, while guarding his own thoughts. Even David Axelrod, arguably his closest adviser, did not know where Mr. Obama would come out until just before Thanksgiving.
The Pornstache says: President Obama certainly showed leadership mettle in going against his own party’s base and ordering a troop surge into Afghanistan. He is going to have to be even more tough-minded, though, to make sure his policy is properly executed.(IOZ on the column.)
- Fresh Pornstachery!
- As for what he's saying in the above photo: Spoken like a proud slumlord, dick.
Frank Rich says: You can think the speech failed without questioning Obama’s motives. I don’t buy the criticism that he contrived a cynical political potpourri to pander to every side in the debate over the war.
(And if they needed extra reassurance: The Holder Justice Department’s brief can only be squared with prior DOJ arguments this way: foreign lawyers in foreign Justice Departments have no immunity and can be held accountable, but lawyers who work for us have absolute immunity from any meaningful form of accountability. The path to a renewal of the criminal misconduct of the Bush years is being prepared right now. And Obama Justice Department lawyers are doing the work.)
- UPDATE! Fuckface Hiatt takes this opportunity to nyah everyone who gave him grief for supporting Bush's surge. Thanks, Obama.
Thursday night my car battery died outside a deli on MacArthur Blvd when I stopped to buy a cup of coffee. While I waited for AAA to deliver a new battery, I sat in the deli, drinking my coffee, and for the first time in a couple of years listened to The Michael Savage Show, a favorite of the deli's owner.
Savage was away, so the hyper-reactionary Savage-wannabe substitute said:
- Either fight to win or don't fight. America firebombed Germany and firebombed then vaporized Japanese cities. Where is that American fighting spirit, dammit?
- This is Vietnam Redux: the government ships out blood and treasure to fight a noble war the government is too chickenshit to prosecute.
- It is sinful to send soldiers to die in a war you've no intention of winning.
- Nothing in Obama's decision was based on any calculation but his reelection.
He's not entirely wrong. He's not entirely wrong for despicable and barbarous reasons, but he's not entirely wrong.
(The host, after a caller identified himself as a Vietman vet, after the host raved for five minutes on how Liberals lost Vietnam, advocated sending in 150K troops, scrapping the "current rules of engagement," (meaning Fuck the Civilians), and telling the world We're not leaving in five years, we're not leaving in a hundred years.)
Heh, they're as stupid as us progressives wailing for peace. The economy collapses without war. Think how many trillion-trillions of dollars of American Monopoly money, all the way down to your shitty, complicitous IRA, are leveraged by war. Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke are inner-circle in Obama's war cabinet.
The Village collapses without war. The Villagers are One with Obama.
Duh, sure. But duh while sitting in a deli waiting for a new battery to be delivered to my dead car, listening to genocidal bedwetters make some retarded second-cousin of an argument I'd make is.... doubly duhful.
- Death Warrant for the Future.
- Black Hole of Bagram.
- Monty Python in Afghanistan.
- Obama is People.
- Um... Obama fucked up in Honduras too.
- Capitalism.
- Capitalist Realism.
- The compact of a consumer society.
- The Fuck You to Death Act.
- Reclusive Leftish.
- I never called bullshit on a Friday in December and his poll numbers dropping when the Bush administration released a surprisingly upbeat jobs number.
- Arendt. Do.
- UPDATE! Things like this fascinate me.
- Jay Paleo Old Arra Dirty 101 Bama sends this along. Heh.
- It's Zappadan again.
- Look, even Sarah Palin is keeping up with Zappadan!
- Twinbrook's future hell.
- Clarksburg! looks to Poolesville for inspiration!
- Silver Spring's future hell.
- Fare hikes, service cuts.
- Wheaton's future hell.
- Weast! parts three and four.
- Crime in Walnut Hill!
- BLCKDGRD translated into Chinese.
- Must be the Season of C.D. Wright.
- Poetry's Ginger v Marianne is in incredibly bad taste.
- UPDATE! A friend recommended this to me, and I meant to read it, I held a copy in my hands, and life shuffled me elsewhere. I'll try again.
- Vermin: A Notebook.
- Nick Cave as misogynist Monarch of Middlbrow.
- Airport through the Trees' 2009 in Music.
- New Beach House.
- Another one of dozens of my five favorite songs ever.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Alex Ross' Top Ten Classical recordings of 2009.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- What you can buy me for Giftmas! Please!
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Grammy nominations, stupid as always, but Hall and Oates' Sara Smile is up for best duo? We're in fucking 1979? (And what is a Lady Gaga, a Taylor Swift, and a John Legend). MGMT, Silversun Pickups, and Ting Tings up for best new artist.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Serendipitously, 6th or 7th writes about Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga. I'm sure I've heard them somewhere in a public place, just wouldn't know (or care) it's them.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- UPDATE! Darkblack's Sunday Overnight.
- Shearwater.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Still my favorite single of 2009. YYYs nominee for Best Alternative Rock Grammy v Byrne/Eno, the horribly shitty DCFC, Depeche Mode (???), and Phoenix (thou shalt spell Phoenix P-H-E-O-N-I-X, not P-H-O-E-N-I-X, no matter what the Oxford English Dictionary says).
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- I never got Depeche Mode, but I was aware they had a cult following.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- UPDATE! Everybody chooses sides.
- Alan is a cowboy killer.
- Ten great singers who can't sing.
- UPDATE! Look.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- múm
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Another one of dozens of my five favorite songs ever.
John Ashbery