Good friend Paleo Jay Dirty Old Arra 101 Bama sends news of gross lack of justice in Vermont. Think on this: one of the most honest to principles progressives I know is pissed a person is unjustly denied the opportunity to go fight in a war the progressive detests.
I know how he feels. I once rode in the backseat of a hurtling jeep doing 85 up 495 along the Delaware River while the driver, a pragmatic progressive, turned his head 180 degrees from traffic to scream at me for worrying about Tea Partiers' civil liberties.
This, brothers and sisters, is the motherfucking root and motherfucking dead-end and motherfucking gift of our motherfucking rubity.
- What everyone's talking about today.
- Asshole: The Biography.
- UPDATE! BP and the Little Eichmanns.
- Israel bans Chomsky visit.
- UPDATE! Capitalism.
- No gutter too low.
- No asshole so gaping.
- Another day in America.
- UPDATE! Secede, Alabama pigfuckers.
- Derrida fix?
- UPDATE! Fuck. Stanley. Fish.
- Hey, Ten Percent has moved, so adjust your bookmark, yo.
- At least three people who read this shetty bleg know exactly what that is and exactly where it's at.
- Lakeforest Mall!
- The second most dangerous road in MOCO.
- Wheaton!
- Fred Felton, dead.
- How about, tax the motherfucking mcmansionists.
- It won't surprise at least three of you I know exactly where this is, or to note there are two bridges on Reichs Ford Road over Bush Creek, but this article doesn't specify which one.
- UPDATE! A seriously ugly-ass kit.
- UPDATE! Thanks for the kind words, G, but the simple answer is: because this bleg sucks.
- Shields once, twice, at The Millions.
- I confess, Schuyler never moved me. I assume all responsibility.
- Dan on Biespiel's call for whatever Biespiel is calling for in poetry.
- I remember when people read Walker Percy (and Peter Taylor and William Humphrey and....)
- Six artistic takes on Blood Meridian. (h/t)
- UPDATE! Rebecca.
- Should I read Dhalgren? Why?
- UPDATE! Jigsaw feeling.
- We made a special trip two, three years ago to see this, and it's worth it.
- UPDATE! A friend reminds me Ian Curtis died 30 years ago today.
Robert Hass
I'm not going to go all classical on you, but between Planet's big recital this coming weekend when she's playing fucking Mozart and I need get fucking Mozart out of my head, plus my general mood, here, have one more: