What I hoped most about an Obama presidency is it'd drive fucking crackers so nuts they'd marginalize themselves into the fucking cracker minority they are.
I forget to stand back and think what a country run by the crackeriest assholes - Tom DeLay, Tom Tancredo, Steve King, Pete King - would be like.
I'm sorry, I can't lose that .06% in me that still subscribes to the .06% less shitty still trumps .06% more shitty theory.
My daughter has to live in this world.
BLCKDGRD existed in blooger before moving here, but this is post 1500 on typepad. What's interesting to me is looking back at the blegrell on blooger, how many I literally have not thought of in the three plus years since migrating here; it reminds me how far I've moved from a guy canvassing in Harrisburg for John Kerry in 2004 to a pissed off apostate Democrat swearing I'll never vote Democrat again, full of shit, fully aware that my contempt for (and fear of) American crackers, which has only deepened and widened accordingly, keeps my .06% less shitty voting pattern reliably persistent.