Snappers v Democrats.
Fuck you. You won't fight for you, why should I root for you?
The White House seems to have its approach figured out: "President Barack Obama plans a combative response" in that case, Politico's Mike Allen reports. He quotes an unnamed presidential advisor as saying, "The response will not be to do incremental things and try to salvage a few seats in the fall. The best political route also happens to be the boldest rhetorical route, which is to go out and fight and let the chips fall where they may. We can say, ‘At least we fought for these things, and the Republicans said no.’"Dumb motherfuckers, this is Crackerstan: the time to run up the score is before you've lost your big lead.
Fight first or fuck off. I'm not talking about progress, I'm talking about winning a fucking football game, Norv.
UPDATE! I'm sure this has been said elsewhere and is an obvious point, but some elected Democrats have to be giddy Brown happened: now Democrats can blame Republicans for Democrats not doing what they profess to want to do but have no interest in doing.
UPDATE! Oopsy! Krugman calls Obama a pussy.
- Fractured Narrative.
- Peace is the means and the end.
- Conservative Internationalism.
- UPDATE! What is centrism?
- Left-leaning academia.
- UPDATE! The all-powerful Left!
- Farewell to arms.
- Waterboarding Wins! celebrates NRO columnist!
- UPDATE! Corporate branding and America. (h/t)
- MLK wasn't an establishment darling.
- Right Testicle of Hell.
- Fucking Nebraskan crackers.
- Sanctimonious Fuck dances on Obama's grave.
- Our brave media.
- Operation Elect Sarah proceeding as planned.
- Does Boston still have a newspaper?
- Le Deluge.
- Bobo Moronistan.
- Bobo bashing.
- Bobo eviscerated.
- The Case of the Haunted Scrotum. (h/t)
- The Biggest Holes in the World.
- 40 stunning examples of high-speed photography.
- Doomed movement to expel American grifters. (You do subscribe to Uncle Fiver, yes?)
- BLCKDGRD translated into Spanish (in Argentina).
- Ahoy! "The Maryland Stadium Authority voted Tuesday to approve a $100,000 feasibility study to examine the financial viability of building a soccer stadium that could be used to lure a Major League Soccer franchise."
- Fracking Kansas City gets a new stadium?
- Horse rescued from Fredneck sinkhole.
- Ilse, do you know this person?
- Crisis in Garrett Park!
- Clarksburg!
- Beltway's Number Three! 75 worse bottlenecks in America.
- More shooting in Appomattox.
- Towards an Aesthetic of Stuttering.
- The problem with prizes.
- RIP Kate McGarrigle. Saw the sisters numerous times, including twice with the son and daughter.
- wood s lot has more on McGarrigle (as well as his usual generous goodness).
- UPDATE! Hey Hamster!
- Weren't you with us at least once for McGarrigles, maybe at Birchmere?
- Hey, Seb's back with a vengeance (and a recommendation)!
- JEFF The Brotherhood!
- For your sake, please bookmark and visit Moko daily.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Jeebus, listening to the radio, I'd forgot how much Soundgarden sucked.
- UPDATE! Holyfuck, I love this song, and not because the title might be prescient.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- New TINDERSTICKS in February! Heard the single Tuesday morning, will post as soon as I can find it to link to it.
John Ashbery
They were living in America at another time.
They were living in America for the FBI.
They were living in America shit wins.
They were living in America on the border with Canada.
They were living in America further gone into teats.
They were living in America that was the only good one.
They were living in America that was the only good one.
They were living in America who answers the phone and.
They were living in America deliriously.
They were living in America sadly.
They were living in America fictitiously.
They were living in America wedged.
They were living in America Stella by Starlight.
They were living in America the mighty sun.
They were living in America pandemically.
They were living in America across from the Ritz hotel.
They were living in America getting their chops.
They were living in America only for just one summer.
They were living in America beside the lake.
They were living in America for the defeatist troops.
They were living in America for the pleasure of it all.
They were living in America as well as can be expected.
They were living in America as one grows passionately
out of a love affair they were living there every day.
Does this doughnut remind you of a life preserver?
They were living in America to remind you of me.
They were living in America and a storm blew up suddenly.
They were living in America extended terms of credit.
They were living in America but it’s all over.
They were living in America as tissue paper is to a comb.
They were living in America at fives and sixes.
They were living in America the same old same old.