This, the second slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania, perhaps a breath-catching reevaluation of my coordinates might not help you, but it might me.
- Maybe Obama and the Democratic congress, especially senators, are as progressive as American politics will allow at this moment, regardless of the complex and cynical reasons why.
- My team sucks. That makes it more my team. I'm the kind of dope whose money for season-ticket renewal is coming due (and you know who you are) that my team has already spent on a left-footed El Salvadoran midfielder hopefully taller than Franco Niell. This entitles me to strong and kneejerk opinions whose ferocious anger at my own I've earned the right to profanely and hyperbolically shout.
- Less-shitty does apply if #1 is true.
- Shoot me: What if Obama has more moxie, ruthlessness, blind ambition and the skills to get it done than any politician currently striding the globe (and he hasn't, isn't, does but doesn't), how much could he get done in 2010 America?
The hoary truth: My team is less-shitty in the fraction it's less-shitty only because that fraction is our influence.
Well, this, the second slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania, I'm bored and when bored dream of tinkering - you can see I've moved a few things around already so that a project you may or not have noticed you can continue to notice or not, and I daydream about subtle color changes and reorganizing the blegrell so it makes honest sense, but I'm fairly certain I can talk myself out of those two.
Meanwhile, it's been a couple of months since I posted this, without doubt another one of dozens of my five favorite songs ever, probably in my top ten actually:
You, um, do know to click the songs before starting reading the post, yes?
- This is exactly what I've been saying.
- I love Old Paleo Dirty 101 Bama (who got the hell out of Alabama), but the sooner Alabama and the other ex-Confederacy states break away to form the third world country of Crackerstan, the sooner more of my tax dollars can go to those who need it in the real America.
- Your Fucking Washington Post.
- Your Fucking Washington Post.
- UPDATE! World's Shittiest Human takes the opportunity on Giftmas to prove he is the World's Shittiest Human.
- UPDATE! The sublede of this article - Political turmoil has made it nearly impossible for anyone in Iran to support nuclear cooperation without being accused of capitulating to the West - proves Iran has its own World's Shittiest Human competitors.
- UPDATE! Pastor Sanctimonious, typing from his mansion, tells you the TRUE message of Giftmas is SHUT UP AND EMBRACE YOUR POVERTY, YOU FUCKING PEASANT!
- Your Fucking Washington Post.
- Pigpunditry! Palace sources say Patrick Stewart is about to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth
. It turns out he is an avid supporter of Britain’s Labour party; his support must be especially welcome in this, one of Labour’s darker hours. Coincidentally, I have over the past couple of months been watching DVDs of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a show I missed completely in its run of 1987 to 1994; and I confess myself amazed that so many conservatives are fond of it. Its messages are unabashedly liberal ones of the early post-Cold War era – peace, tolerance, due process, progress (as opposed to skepticism about human perfectibility).
I finally remembered the episode of the Picard photo I luckily stumbled upon, and it's.... Ardra!
- UPDATE! Woman jumps Vatican barrier, knocks Pope to the ground, and an American Catholic from Texas grasps the event's significance: "I'm really mad because I had a perfect shot lined up," she said. "I'm still shaking."
- Why yes, there is a reason I don't read Reason.
- UPDATE! Irrational Exuberance.
- The Year in Crazy, part one.
- UPDATE! One can't be a lifelong Mocomofer and not note the death of George Michael. I understand his influence in the industry, his standing in Greater Districtville, but I never watched. Once Glenn Brenner - a comedic genius -died I stopped watching local news (or rather, I only watched local news to watch Brenner poke Gordon Peterson into losing it on set).
- My Future Hell.
- ICC!
- Bus route paralleling ICC to be cut!
- Georgia Avenue Greenway!
- Crisis in Cabin John!
- Crisis in Silver Spring!
- Taking back Alexandria!
- SoccerPlex!
- How will soccer tactics evolve in the next ten years?
- Poetry Best Sellers of 2009? is mostly suck.
- UPDATE! How poetry has changed in the past ten years. It's ahead of fiction in depicting now. It's not torturing epistemology for golf claps - THERE IS NOTHING MORE BORING THAN EPISTEMOLOGY FOR GOLF CLAPS! - it's rawer, it's better than it was ten years ago.
- UPDATE! Though Spicer's Collected generating such heat says more about current reading more than writing, I suppose....
- What writers at the New Yorker read - includes Maqroll!
- A review of what I think the Most Overrated Novel Ever.
- Vinyl v Digital.
- The 100 Jazz Albums that Shook the World.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
- Today's Listening Assignment.
Jack Spicer
Another one of dozens of my five favorite songs ever: