Spent a good four hours at Bowdoin, pretty campus, interesting academic programs. First campus (other than UNH, which doesn't count) Planet's seen, and that's where she now wants to go. She wants to be a Polar Bear.
Especially since
we then, after setting up base in a Brunswick Maine hotel, drove to Lewiston to see Bates. Every road surrounding the campus of Bates was being repaired, all the entrances to campus were blocked, so we didn't really see the campus much less get out and walk around, which saddened none of us: Lewiston was the most depressing city I've been in since I last drove through Brunswick Maryland. Dying, decaying, depressing.
Maine is weird. It's the most like western Pennsylvania of anyplace I've been outside western Pennsylvania in that it's either beautiful or hideous, often right around the corner from the other.
White Mountains, Mt Washington today.
Haven't been following the news much: Has Obama started killing grandmas yet?
O! Today's Google Tip!
Want to increase hits? Title a post, re: like the one proceeding this one, with the words Uckingfay and Amegay. Know what you get?
Exactly kaboom.
Just posted at MD-Discgolf board: This is me and Bromark's home course.
Um, that guy, assuming he's not cheating, shot at least twelve strokes under my best.
Haven't got out to play this trip, doubt I will.