I haven't blegged USMNT games like I once did because the Hexagonal is a given, it's clear what the nucleus of WC10's squad will be, plus believe me when I tell you nothing - nothing - drives away potential regular readers of this shetty bleg faster than soccer. I'm not going to stop blegging about United, but I don't want to pretend there isn't bleg-interest here.
I think Agi's reverse god-taunting in yesterday's comments is exactly right:
just wait...during the next year all the USMNT fans are going to scream that this is the best US team evar!!!! and that they're going to go farther than any US team before in the WC...then they'll get knocked out during the first round with only three points.
I hope his reverse god-taunting is as strong and stupid as mine, but c'mon, Xavi slept the sleep of the unconcerned last night, perhaps scratching his ass and farting before drifting into deep-sleep thinking, losing today is probably a good thing, maybe we'll remember not to mistake effort for urgency until after next year's South Africa.
USMNT is Bradley's team, and if I'm not a Bradley fan tough shit for me until post-WC10 and that's how it should be and I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think the USMNT has the midfielders to beat a world class team in a game that matters and I don't think Bradley knows how to manage the midfielders he has.
If the Fiver had a cent for all the false dawns in US soccerball, we'd now be nearly a dime richer. First there was that jaw-dropping win over England in 1950. Then came Pele, Bestie and, er, Boris Bandov and the NASL. A generation later USA 94 had them yeehawing from Dallas to Detroit before, eight years later in Hyundai Sony Ecudorian Referee We Pay You Good Korea Japan 2002, they reached the quarter-finals. But last night's shock 2-0 Confederations Cup victory over Spain might just take the biscuit (assuming one of the 80m clinically obese Americans hasn't eaten it already).