I mean, you saw it coming, after United only bagged one in that beautiful first half, a half that included beautiful passing up the middle, over the top, switched points of attack, give-and goes, a rocket that hit Jeff Larentowicz smack in the face (and out of the game) and another that reminded Pat Phelan of his jewels crushability, you knew, I knew, up 0-1 at half, United had already dropped at least two points, probably three, so holler all you want about a truly shitty PK call, who didn't see this result coming at half-time?
(Actually you knew it in the 43rd minute when Kevin Alston takes the ball just over the midfield line and RUNS through United's defense, especially Marc Burch's wussy wussy wussy olé, and dead shots right at Wicks.)
Fullback was too pissed to write. D called it a punch in the balls and Landru expands the point while Shatz floats (then rejects) the conspiracy theory that MLS is ordering refs to unfix ties, and yes it was one of the worse calls by an MLS ref in eleven years of deeply shitty MLS refereeing, but United lost this game because United is missing something, some intangible spark that separates and elevates above-average teams into good if not great teams.
I've no idea what's missing, though I've a glimmering it's the holding midfielders - Jacobson was a disappointment - but how much saying that is just my need to assess blame somewhere? United puts together some truly beautiful minutes of soccer to what effect, just over a point a game? I watch, I think, this team should get 1.8, 1.9 points per game, so much better do they look in stretches than their opponents, and United is sitting on 16 points after 12 games. That's mediocrity.
There's a hole at left back (no matter how much The Bowtie sings Burch's praises, Burch is a liability), there's a hole at holding mid (no matter how much I love Benny, when Benny on two broken axles is one of your two best holding mids, there's a hole), and there's the inability of certain front five players to play well with each other: Fred with Moreno, Fred with Gomez, Gomez with Emilio, Gomez with Quaranta. There's still a question at keeper.
There's this: maybe United's not as good as their moments of ineffectual beauty make me think they are; maybe what we're seeing are just results.
Updates, additions, links, edits later. Or not. UPDATE: Meet DCU Curmudgeon.
OH! for the few of you offended by this:
I understand United thinks it a coup to have secured the Madrid game. I understand Madrid had all the leverage to call where and when and for how much. I understand United need come up with a million dollars just to pay Madrid to show up, much less whatever money United need fork over for the stadium et al. I understand United is my punching bag I can wallop as proxy for all things I want to wallop but can't, and lordy was I in a vile mood at things I can't punch when I made that post.
It's not the Madrid game itself, the Madrid game is metaphor. I think United could do a better job of rewarding the loyal and in doing so build a bigger camp of loyalists. Little, inexpensive things - don't make me stand in line in the dumbass VW garage for the crappiest season-ticket holder shirt EVER, for instance. I'm probably wrong.