- HRC as SOS? That bitch. That bitch.
- HRC as SOS? That bitch. That bitch.
- HRC as SOS? That bitch. That bitch.
- HRC as SOS? That bitch. That bitch.
- HRC as SOS hyperventilation. That bitch. That bitch.
Jeebus, either Obama puts a bullet in the back of her skull NOW! or he's the shittiest not-president-yet EVAH!
Please rubes, rerube yourself: less shitty doesn't mean things get better, it means things stop getting shittier at the current rate of increasing shittiness.
What, Obama is surrounding himself with people who will help him consolidate his power and ensure his re-election as the most powerful human on the planet? That bastard. That bastard.
- Opostasy: The Greatest Disappointments Are Coming.
- Holder gets greenwaldian hug. Counterpoint.
- Still bitter, still clinging, still beaten.
- Scandal as growth industry.
- Kathleen Parker: death-wish or cynical swivel?
- Asshatery.
- al-Q gets talking points from Limbaugh.
- On hunters.
- Is the 3-5-2 dead?
- Presentmas?
- I've never watched an episode, not because of anything other than I haven't. I have watched CI, and not just because I used to be friends with Eric Bogosian's nephew, who was at Earthgirl and my wedding. Hello, David?
- Novels are dying because authors quit using quotation marks? Uh, no.
- Slovenian Poetry?
- Paperback v Digital. Am I soulless to consider a kindle (down in comments)?
- dBs?
- Blip?
Updates later. Or not.
Pwoggle Mourning Song!
Heh, while I'm here, let Pete Shelley diagnose the problem with progressive rubes like me: