Those guys over there to the top left, labeled kaboom, are must reads. I've been silent on my complicity lately, finally getting to the point where I don't feel a need to write an apologia for thinking Democrats just jerks instead of bwahaha-ing assholes in the pig trough like the pigs....
I'm still debating whether Democrats (or Britain's Liberals in the case of some of the kaboomers) are more cowardly than craven or more craven than cowardly (though NOT debating an either/or). Those guys under kaboom help. Read them all.
I also want to highly - HIGHLY! - recommend This Recording, a generous carnival of music and reads and whatever the hell they want to write about. Best new site I've discovered in months.
They also understand something about blog-rolling etiquette that makes me happy - besides having blog-rolled me, that is: it's a tangential part of a giggle in a long story, though they're not aware of the tangent.
Lastly, the bastards at viacom forced youtube to kill the "I don't know how to play the piano." So much for skills bloggers need.
No, this is lastly: those of you who have the secret dog email address get first dibs at two tickets for next Thursday's playoff game v Cheating Fuckers. Others can use the email on this page. Will meet you at stadium will-call. Hurry!