Dick Cheney was dispatched to flog the wogs and was told by the wogs to go Leahy himself. While Cheney was being told by his subalterns to self-diddle, Bushco announced it would sit in the same room as Iranians and Syrians.
Is this the beginning of the reich's emasculation of Dick? Who is driving this? Rice? Gates (proxying for the Bakerites)? The generals? Rove?
And is talking to Iran - just sitting in the same room - after bigdickingtalk about not rewarding the enemy (along with this - holy gittityfuck) - 43's version of 41's tax-hiking apostasy with the whack-Right?
Sudden bursts of apparent sanity from Bushco, even if believable, even if prompted only by a cynical assessment of their weakness (as opposed to sanity for sanity's sake), is welcome, though any hope that these fools won't fuck sanity up is of course silly. They believe confrontation is easier than conciliation and they've fucked up confrontation.
And I'll believe the world is safe from Cheney when Cheney's cold hands are pried off the keys to global annihilation. I just wonder if someone has decided to start prying.
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Tomasky on the Democrats in latest NYRB. Remnick considers Gore. Both Eli and Jurassicpork deconstruct Maureen Dowd's latest column and question the utility of her poses. Instaputz and Roy consider civility's importance, while Howie Kurtz lauds paragon of civility Michelle. TGW on the Gore Electric Bill controversy. DWT on Hoyer. Amanda at Pandagon on Rightwing studies in slutology.