If you didn't think the MSM deliriously drools at an Obama/Clinton slapfight, this past week's hysteria over David Geffin's anti-HRC remarks and Maureen Dowd's moist and pantingly catty column should convince you.
George Bush's wetdream squared infinitely, obliterating chatter about the ratings-crusher in Iraq: Hillary times Obama times Bill times Hollywood times media-predators let loose again in their natural habitat. Jeebusmeow.
Broder wrote about Bush-revival, stupidly and cravenly crediting Bush, but what will bounce Bush is his irrelevant disappearance behind the tigerbeat-shrieking of Hillary vs Obama times the gravitational blackhole that is all things Clintonialist. What is the British withdraw from Basra compared to a Hillary spat against Obamamania?
So stop it. Both HRC and Obama campaigns are fully engaged in the necessary KY-jellying modern prezruns require, and handbagging each other - in public - is uncut heroin to a media jonesing for a scandalclinton to push those war correspondents to A2. Who doesn't think that every Hollywood lefty with a yapper has been called for comment about Geffen's comment? When one opens his mouth, both HRC and Obama need to shut theirs. Dionne offers the same advice.
Imagine HRC and Obama turning the media's obsession with them into fabulous free PR by debating - in substance - their differences on how best to unclvsterfvck the clvsterfvck. Well, that's not going to happen. If they're not going to debate the specific distinctions between their respective policies they should fut the shuck up about the other's sluttiness, mmkay?
Talk like this about this.
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Dick Cheney. Potentially, possibly, one of the three or four pivotal humans in history. Chills the soul.
I've been trying, terribly unsuccessfully, to write coherently about a thought that's just out of grasp: the Dick Cheney's of the world have to be as capable of what they imagine their enemies are capable of - and then think they have to be capable of more to win.
There is evil in the world. Some of us don't think evil is necessary to meet and defeat evil. But I'm just an immoral atheist; what the fvck do I know?
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Great moments in Conservative thought:
See, Islamafascists so hate America's freedoms that to defeat the Islamafascists and protect our freedoms we have to abolish our freedoms to show the Islamafascists they can't end our freedoms.
The fact Conservatives don't sprain their brains pretzeling their logic is proof it's all fat and no muscle.
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Vilsack out. Please cease the Gore talk. Digby on the distinction between religion and tribalism. A seemingly honest try at reevaluation. The Poor Man is 87% worse than Hitler.
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FMF? Satorsunday.